This area will provide useful signposting to resources and articles around meeting need for children and young people with SEND, including adaptive teaching.
Teacher Handbook: SEND -Embedding inclusive practice
Whole School SEND has developed this handbook to support primary, secondary and specialist teachers, teaching assistants, senior leaders and principals who work with children and young people with SEND and learning differences. It is a detailed document covering the following key areas: Understanding the role of the teacher; Planning inclusive lessons; Creating an inclusive environment; Subject-specific guidance; Graduated approach; Strategies to scaffold learning; and Teacher well-being. Teacher Handbook: SEND | Whole School SEND (You will need to sign up for a free login to download this resource from the website)
Nasen have recently released a Teachers Toolkit. The toolkit aims to bring together the free resources available to support practitioners with a teaching responsibility. This will sometimes be a practical resource, an educational article or current professional development and training. The resources are grouped in areas which will be useful to different aspects of teaching. (To access the resources you will need to create a free login to access this resource)
EEF Research
Supporting every pupil to succeed academically is a significant challenge for teachers and teaching assistants. The EEF’s research evidence suggests there is a set of five core practices that can support all pupils, including those with SEND, to do just that.
EEF blog: ‘Five-a-day’ to improve SEND outcomes: In this blog, SEND Specialist Gary Aubin explores how teachers can support pupils with SEND in their daily practice.
Alternatively, you can watch the EEF High-quality teaching video clip which explores the ‘five-a-day’ principle.
Download this 1-page information poster.
Downlaod this reflection tool –REFLECTING ON YOUR PRACTICE Every teacher as a teacher of SEND
Gary Aubin offers further insight into the Five a-day in a series of blogs:
What exactly is explicit instruction? In this blog Gary explores explicit instruction, a high-impact teaching strategy for all pupils, including those with SEND.
Scaffolding – more than just a worksheet. In this blog, Gary Aubin explores what is scaffolding, what it is not, and how can teachers use scaffolds to boost pupil progress. You can download this 1-page information poster of what scaffolding can look like in practice. 5-a-Day_Reflection_Tool_2023.pdf (
Cognitive strategies – let’s have a think Using cognitive strategies to support pupils with special educational needs. In this blog, Gary reflects on teaching pupils with SEN to use cognitive and metacognitive strategies. Using cognitive strategies to support pupils with special educational needs
Flexible grouping: what is it and why use it? In this blog, he explores flexible grouping and its role within our ‘Five-a-day’ approach to supporting pupils with SEND.
Adaptive Teaching: how to use ‘microadaptations’
In this article Alex Quigley outlines there are two types of adjustments teachers should consider when they are planning for adaptive teaching, and explores the use of ‘microadaptations’
Three Frameworks for Independence
This blog from Mark Miller, the Bradford Research School, explores three examples of frameworks for simple verbal scaffolds to promote learner’s independence. The first framework is from the Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants guidance report from the EFF, useful for all learners but particularly those with SEND. Adapted from the work of Bosanquet, Radford, and Webster (2016) was originally designed to address some of the pitfalls that inhibit independent learning.