Reframing matrix

The reframing matrix is a tool to support you with solving problems. It encourages you to take different perspectives leading to a greater selection of solutions.

If you follow a simple approach and involve all team members you should get a number of different solutions to help to overcome the problem.

Any reframing matrix approach should take no more than 1 hour.

Step 1: draw a 2x2 matrix - write the problem that you'd like to discuss in the middle of the matrix.

Step 2: determine the perspectives that you'd like to use to review the problem. Often the '4Ps' approach is used:

  • Programme - are there issues with the service?
  • Planning - is the planning as it should be, has anything been missed?
  • Potential - can the programme be shared with others? Will it be of benefit to the wider service?
  • People - what do/might the people involved think? How will this affect them?

If you have a larger group you could split into 4 subgroups to review 1 'P' each, then come back together to discuss your findings.

This is a process that should help you with looking forward, without taking up too much of your time. A facilitator may help you to stay on track.


  1. What have you found useful on this page?
  2. Will the reframing matrix support you with finding a solution to a problem or help with improving a process that you have in place?

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