The SCAMPER model of creativity

The SCAMPER model will encourage you to think creatively, it's often used to solve problems in projects, it encourages groups or individuals to generate ideas and solutions by examining a situation or problem from 7 different viewpoints.

The model was developed by Bob Eberele in the early 1970s to teach his students to think differently and step away from confirming that their approach and ideas are always the right ones. It can be applied in all areas of work from HR and IT to health and safety and product planning.

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What does SCAMPER stand for and how do you use it?


What can be changed without diminishing the end product or message? Ask yourself:

  • What parts of our current approach can we change to be more efficient or sustainable?
  • How can we substitute the tools or technologies we use with something more advanced?
  • Can we replace any part of our service with something that makes it better in some way?

Merging 2 or more processes to create something new, or enhance functionality:

  • Which 2 or more processes are duplicated or similar that could be joined into a more comprehensive solution?
  • Can we combine processes or strategies from other teams to improve or innovate our approach?
  • How can we integrate services to solve additional problems or make things more efficient?

Consider how elements of 1 process can be adjusted or repurposed to serve another function:

  • What existing solutions in other trusts or industries can be adapted to meet our challenges?
  • How can we modify an aspect of our provision to serve a different purpose or audience?
  • In what ways can we adapt our limitations into opportunities or advantages?

Encourages tweaking elements to improve a process, focusing on certain attributes:

  • How can we change the delivery of our service to enhance its appeal or functionality?
  • What can be increased, decreased or altered in our current model to meet emerging needs or trends?
  • Can we modify the context scale or materials we use to encourage engagement with other trusts?
Put to another use

This element involves thinking about how a process could be repurposed or used in a context for which it wasn't originally intended, ask:

  • In what unconventional ways can our services/process be used and how can we promote alternative uses?
  • Can the negatives associated with our offering, (e.g., wasted materials, repetition) be put to some positive use elsewhere?
  • Can we identify secondary or tertiary uses for our service that may add unexpected value?

Simplify the process by removing unnecessary or less effective elements, or even elements that may seem important, consider:

  • What features, processes or elements can be removed without affecting the end result?
  • Can we eliminate any steps of the process to make it more user-friendly?
  • What assumptions are we making about the service that, if eliminated, could lead to innovation?
Reverse (or Rearrange)

This principal suggest looking at the opposite of what we do currently, or rearranging the process to see if a better solution emerges. Consider:

  • How would our service, or process look if we did the opposite of what we're currently doing?
  • Can we swap the order of the process around to make it more efficient?
  • What if we reversed the target audience's expectations - how could that change the offering?

Learning Reflection

  1. Could you use the SCAMPER model to review a process that you currently follow?
  2. Where could you apply the model in your current role?
  3. Has this page been useful in adapting your thinking?

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