Growth Mindset

Developed by psychologist Carol Dweck in it's simplest form a growth mindset is the individual belief that a person's talents and capacity can be improved over time. Our mindset plays a huge role in whether we succeed at something or not.

Being willing to put in the hard work and open to learning are both signs of a growth mindset. Our mindset can affect how we view the challenges and obstacles that we face in life. Those with a growth mindset believe that their abilities can be developed through effort, learning and persistence. Challenges are opportunities to grow.

Characteristics of a growth mindset

Embrace learning

People with a growth mindset want to learn and develop throughout their life.

Working hard

Achievement requires effort.

Welcome challenges

Challenges are opportunities to learn and develop their skills

Feedback is positive

A growth mindset ensures that feedback is positively received and acted upon - an opportunity to continually improve.

How can you develop a growth mindset?

  1. Be curious - Have a genuine interest in new things - ask questions.
  2. Face your challenges instead of avoiding them.
  3. Avoid negativity - listen to your internal dialogue and make a conscious effort to turn any negativity into something positive.
  4. Reframe failure - when things don't go as you expect, turn it into a learning experience rather than a failure.
  5. Ask for feedback from those around you.
  6. Be solution focused.
  7. Be persistent.
  8. Celebrate the small things.
  9. Keep an open mind.


  1. Do you have a growth mindset?
  2. What could you do in the next week to review and develop your growth mindset?

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CLF Professional Development Platform
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Company No: 06207590