Betari Box

The Betari Box is a cyclical model that helps us to understand the impact that our attitudes and behaviours have upon others. Our attitude plays a large part in the behaviour we exhibit. When we're feeling positive we smile and empower those around us; when we're feeling negative the reverse is often true - we can be impatient and sometimes angry. It also shows how others' behaviour and attitudes can affect us.

In its simplest form attitude is a decision that we make about how we will respond to someone or something.

These behaviours will affect those around us, when we're negative others can turn those behaviours back on us, and any potential conflicts can get worse. We must remember that our attitude, good or bad, affects everyone around you, especially our colleagues.

The decision about our attitude tends to be an unconscious one. In many cases the way we feel will justify the choice and behaviour in our brain so as far as we are concerned everything is ok and we're acting normally - however, often this isn't what other people see.

The Betari Box can act as a reminder that we need to make more conscious decisions about our attitudes, we may also need to be able to stop others' behaviours from influencing us and make a more controlled decision about how we respond. By learning to consciously choose our attitude we can positively change the behaviour that we show other people.

Reflective Questions

  1. What have you found most useful on this page?
  2. Try using the Batari Box to help you to review your own attitudes and behaviours and how they might affect those around you.

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